Which Standard Does PyWPS Support?
Which Version of PyWPS Should I Use?
How do I Debug PyWPS Processes?
How do I Run Command Line Commands?
Where Can I Find Documentation on Process Writing in General?
PyWPS (any version) supports the OGC WPS 1.0.0 standard.
PyWPS < 4 does not currently support 2.0.0 version.
PyWPS 4 will support OGC:WPS 2.0.0 and contains partial features in support of OGC WPS 2.0.0.
PyWPS-4 is a complete rewrite in support of the OGC WPS standard. It has a completely different codebase compared to previous (3.x) versions.
PyWPS-4 supports both Python 2.x and Python 3.x versions. It uses Flask, lxml and other modern libraries for web application development. The processes are not backwards compatible, but the code should be easy to port (the philosophy remains the same).
As a general rule, use the latest stable version. Older versions (1.0.0, 2.0.x) are no longer supported.
Current stable means PyWPS 3.2 or the master branch in the PyWPS repository.
PyWPS-4 is under heavy development, the OGC WPS standard is not fully implemented yet.
./wps.py "&service=wps&version=0.4.0&request=execute&datainputs=input1,value1,input2,value2,..."
tail -f /var/log/apache/error.log |sed -e "s/\[.*\] //g"
PyWPS GCmd: r.rescale out=kat_dop_k_2004_1188372842 in=dop_k_2004_1188372842\
to=0,255 to kat_dop_k_2004_1188372842[0,255]
PyWPS GCmd: r.support map=dop_k_2004_1188372842 title="drasil2"
PyWPS GCmd: r.support map=kat_dop_k_2004_1188372842 title="drasil2"
PyWPS ERROR: Could not perform command:
r.support map=kat_dop_k_2004_1188372842 title="drasil2"
in process K2O, method execute() /home/bnhelp/pfwps/wps.py:
79: DeprecationWarning:
Non-ASCII character '\xc2' in file
on line 51, but no encoding declared;
see https://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
from pywps.processes import *
PyWPS GCmd: g.region rast=mask2004@medlov res=5 1>&2
sectionUse the built-in cmd()
method of the process:
The same way, like normal commands:
Of course, there is Documentation, but it does not contain modules documentation yet. To get this, try:
pydoc pywps/Process/Process.py
pydoc pywps/Process/InputsAndOutputs.py